Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Letting Go

When someone leaves your life, there’s a huge void created.
That void’s always a learning. It only means you’re clearing up the clutter, making more space to recreate from a much higher perspective.
People sometimes leave your life because you stopped vibrating on the same level. They go because they have their karma to fulfill and you have karma to fulfill, and when that karma’s done, one of two things can happen. They could move on and go far away from your world and you'll both be very happy. Or they'll come bouncing back in, even better for you than they ever were before.
And all that depends on one thing and one thing only: your ability to love and respect yourself. It will mirror in the person you create in your life.
For me, for now, this I know: The more I can love me, the more someone's going to love me someday.
And how grand will that be, hey?

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