Wednesday, September 9, 2009


It's the 9th day of the 9th month of the 9th year. It's also Metro day here in Dubai, but that's another story for another time.
So, all these 9s... They don't just happen for no reason. Nothing ever happens for no reason. This blog entry, you reading it, life, the universe, cosmos, people, plants, animals, numbers.... there's a reason behind everything.
So what is it about all these 9s in our life today? The angels connected for a chat this morning. Beautiful beautiful majestic angels in every shape and size. I asked them why all these 9s, why now, what are they trying to tell us?
That it's the beginning of an ending, they told me. Individually, locally, globally and universally, a chapter is ending, an era's coming to a close, and today, they said, marks the start of that end.
And you know what endings signify, don't you? Nothing can end without something new beginning. If the new doesn't begin, there will be a gap of nothingness, a black hole of sorts. But even a black hole is a something. For it to have a name, a shape, a form, a concept, makes it something. It's alive. It's aware. It just is. It's Something.
Nothing on the otherhand means just that. Nothing. And with nothing, there is nothing. And with no thing, there is no being. With no being, there is no you, or me, or us or them. And yet here we are. We're all here. You, me, us, them, him, her... We're all right here, a screaming reminder that it's not nothing. And in order for the Nothingness to cease, it needs to be replaced with a Something. That something is a new beginning. Our little world is seeing a brand new chapter in its history.
The angels say we're at the beginning of the end. But since matter, time and space is all an illusion anyway, what beginning, what end are they referring to? More conversation with the angels reveal thoughts of transformation.
We're inching out of one phase and sliding into the next. We're in the process of a transformation, they say. A universal transformation. A morphing of the old us, into the new us. A morphing which begins right here, right now, today. Slowly sliding forward to a universal awareness of a newness.
Of what though? What's ending in your life, what new are you moving towards? Are you in the process of walking out of one doorway and in through another? Will you remain You, or will a whole new You emerge? Is this a rest period before you make your grand appearance, or are you still in the last act of the play? Has your new life begun? Are you on its threshold? Are you excited? Nervous? Apprehensive? Cautious? Carefree? Rebellious? Or are you just YOU? Minus the layers, without the frills, the masks and the blinders. Just you, raw, pure and ready to embrace all thought, follow the footsteps of peace and journey towards love, a new beginning, new hope for the Earth. New opportunities of ascension, higher vibrations than ever before, an awakening of the soul-mind, an acceptance of the bigger picture...
So go ahead, take a bow, soak in the adoration, lap up the applause, cause this drama is just about to end, and you, the star, are moving on to an entirely new production.


  1. Welcome back.. it feels great to see you. Well, Cheers to the new You, New Me, New us and a New Universe.


  2. This is wonderful…amazing…yesterday I wrote in my diary, tomorrow, 9-9-9 would begin a new chapter in my life. I never met an angel. But I strongly believe that we are in a transitional period. The resemblance, communications or connections between something going on inside and outside us, the synchronicity, all are truly working on the collective consciousness for a quantum leap of human history. I believe so.

    It’s a wonderful feeling to reading your blog...

  3. Impressive.. I never knew you were so philosophical
