Friday, April 8, 2011

Bon voyage

And there he goes, spreading his wings, about to fly away. Go in peace my beautiful friend. For life is but the blink of an eye. But eternity lasts forever. For you see, the soul is an energy. It transforms, changes shape and structure and moves from one dimension to the next. 
So the next time you have to say goodbye to one you love, do it with courage, do it with a smile. Transfer your strength to their soul, to their being. For their souls needs your unconditional love and understanding more than their body needs your tears. 
The end of a life doesn't mean the end of the journey. It just means you've graduated before the rest of your class, ready to move on to the next experience, to a new learning. With the knowledge that the essence of your loved ones will greet you in the next stage of your journey, that in fact you were never separated at all, but just taken time out from the fun and games to get some learning here on earth. And before you know it, in the blink of an eye, you're home. Surrounded by love. Soaking in the love. Emitting the love. Being love. 
Bon voyage you beautiful man. Spread your wings and fly home

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