People come into your lives in the strangest ways. One minute you’re living your life like normal. Going through the motions. Hour by hour, day by day. Promising yourself that if you just make it to the end of the little road ahead of you, the curve will bring you something so much better. And because you’ve told yourself that, the universe sees to it that the next curve in your life turns out to be a metaphor for all the beauty you knew existed, but hadn’t seen yet.
So, one day, it was just me being me.
And all of a sudden, there’s this boy; a beautiful, kind-hearted, soft soul, who walks right in. Makes himself at home, as though he’d always been there. And I tried, I really did, not to let him all the way in. I made up excuses, reasons, presented what I said was logical analysis… but the universe sees to it that once you’ve made a wish, it gets delivered to your doorstep, wrapped in tinsel, with a sparkle in the eye, grinning from ear to ear, because, finally, despite your buts and ifs and whys, you’ve just been given what you wanted. A person to fall in love with, eyes to want to come home to, arms to sink in to, a body to set yours on fire, from head to toe and heart and soul.
This is my story with Rom, a man who danced his way into my life. Who stood tall as proof that the universe delivers. He’s the one I spoke to the moon about when she eclipsed last month, the one who took a long time coming, but eventually got here anyway. He came crashing into my life just as I was riding the wave of my dreams. He laughs, cuddles, cries, giggles and loves in all the right amounts that match mine. He reinforced my belief in wanting to create something, a feeling, a connection, a smile that doesn’t fade. There’s so much to say about this man that I may as well say nothing at all.
To me, he just is. He’s the wish I made on my lucky star, the one I had all those imaginary conversations with, the one who I believe I’ll grow to love more as the days go by.
And hey, if an atom mirrors space, and the universe reflects what’s within your body, then surely a love discovered in my life, adds to the energy of love in yours too.
Feel hugged.
nice article to read here, keep it up!