Sunday, June 28, 2009

Castles in the sky

I’ve been building castles in the sky ever since I can remember. I put on my rose-tinted glasses and visualize the shapes and forms I want my castles to make. One day it could be a little pixie-eared shaped hut in the middle of a big forest full of animals and birds. The second day the castle morphs into the little house on the prairie. On the third, it’s a branch on a tree that sways with the wind. On the fourth? Who knows? My castle is mine to build the way I want to. I can keep it the way it is, or change it on a daily basis. It exists in reality because it exists in my mind. I created. Therefore it is.
It’s the same deal with life. You create your own. You decide on a destiny. And then you give yourself the gift of free will to change it however you wish to for that moment in time. And if you’re unhappy, it’s never too late to change it to something else. Over and over again, until you either find the castle and life of your dreams, or come to a realization that the adventure lies in change and new discoveries.
That’s the beauty of it. There are no rules. It’s your mind, your body, your soul. Your kingdom to rule as you please.
It’s pretty much the way Led Zep summed it up. “Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road you’re on.” Except that it isn’t just two paths. It’s two paths multiplied by a kazillion billion trillion, infinition.
Life offers you so many options. The path you pick is entirely your choice, and your choice alone. Feel free to change lanes whenever you want to. Life might be a journey, but not all roads are Sheikh Zayed Road.

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