Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our higher selves

For the first time in a very long time, I was in a group of people, people I didn't know, and I wasn't the odd one out. I fit. I was surrounded by others who belive in the power of the universe, the magnificance of the soul, the eternity of the higher self, the beauty of the mind. It felt right. It felt good. It made me feel good. And that feeling good attracted so much more good into the rest of my day. I'm walking around on cloud 9, confident of my future, accepting of my past, with a zest for knowledge, craving to learn more about what I know in my soul. I'm taking the first steps towards an age-old journey that although so new is still so familiar. I'm answering so many of my own questions. I'm learning that only I have my answers. And everything depends on how I phrase the questions. And that's true for all of us. Every one of us already knows it all, somewhere, high above where we are now, in a another dimension, in another realm, we know our truths. We need the courage to be able to face ourselves. We need the courage to look into our core and ask ourselves the questions we've been burrying away. For no one else could ever answer them for us. We need the bravado to realise that instead of following organised cults and man-made belief systems, all we really need to follow is ourselves. We're our ultimate masters, we're our own saviours, we're our own guides. It's all here within us, around us, encircling us. If we could only open our eyes to relisation, we could work our own miracles. Miracles of sight, sound, emotion, touch, love, healing, magic. All we need to do is believe in our own power. We need to believe we wrote our own script and created every single player in that script. Every soul around us right now is a manifestation of what we wanted for us in this moment of space and time. We need them all for they're here to help us learn our lessons. With every life, with every breath, there's something to be learned. And who are we to deny ourselves what we alone decided once so very long ago?


  1. I know what it feels like to not fit in! I only have a few friends lately. Maybe I need to get out more. I know my heart is in the right place.

  2. Your heart's always in the right place. Never doubt for a second that it is. Always, always believe in your gut instinct, that tiny little voice that tells you whatever it does, or that makes you behave the way you do. That's your subconscious self talking to you, it's your soul. And it has only one mission in life: To protect you. If it isn't allowing you too many friends right now, it's because there's something to learn from that. Either your subconscious is protecting from something bigger than you can imagine, or it's reliving a past issue which is manifesting in you not allowing yourself more friends. Either way, it's hapenning for a reason. And you and your alone, know your reasons. CLose your eyes and ask yourself questions you'd be too afraid to answer with your eyes open. You'll be amazed at the answers. Wish you love and light.

  3. Once again, I say your expression touches me deeply. I discovered your site via LinkReferral ( Following on Blogger now: will visit often. Thank you.
    (see my more personal blog at
    PS: Hahaaa..and a fellow centaur! Here's to ya - Namaste

  4. I love you and your universe. You know how to make my heart smile.
