Thursday, June 11, 2009

Don't forget your smile

Have you ever had one of those days where you woke up happy, and as the day progressed you kept adding to the weight on your shoulders? To the point that come 6pm, you felt pooped out, physically and emotionally stressed to the point of collapse.
And you know why don’t you? Because misery loves company. Your boyfriend cribs about his work. It bothers you enough to make you crib to your best mate. She cribs to her friends, they crib to their spouses, who crib to their family, who happen to know you and crib to you. And the chain goes on and on.
What if we replaced all that cribbing with some positive energy? What if your boyfriend said something that made you so happy, you went on to spread the love? And that love, just like the earlier misery, kept spreading, growing, expanding, until it came back to you from a source you least expected.
Compare the two scenarios. Which one would you rather have in your life? Endless joy, or endless sorrow. The choice is yours. Nip unhappiness in the bud, or let it sprout wings and spread its misery. Or plant a seed of joy and watch it grow to a big tree with branches to envelope you and leaves to protect you.
See how easy the choice is when put that way? That’s how easy every single choice between joy and sorrow, love and hurt, pain and pleasure is. It’s always easy. It’s always been easy. That’s how it’s made to be. It’s supposed to be that easy. Yet we find ways to complicate even the simplest things. It’s time for a change guys. It’s time to throw away the blanket society forced you to wear, time to burn those blinkers, throw out the boxes you’ve been storing filled with years of stereotypes. It’s time to have some fun. It’s time we realized how ridiculously easy every moment of life is, if we only just allow it to be, without over-analysing and complicating matters.
Live, let live. A smile’s the strongest magnet the universe created. People might not remember your name, and that’s fine. It’s just a name. It’s material. They’ll create their own names for you. What they’ll not be able to forget is that one smile in a roomful of straight faces. Everyone’s drawn to a smile. That’s how we’re built. That’s the magnetic charm of life. A smile is the strongest foundation of the rising tower of your life.

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