Monday, May 18, 2009

The blog’s gaining popularity. People are talking, brains are buzzing, souls are searching. I’m getting feedback on what makes sense and what ticked who off. Apparently the War entry wasn’t the most appreciated. Moz wants revenge for tainting James’ words. I need to make peace. James didn’t say “the best way towards peace is by preparing for war” (see the War entry). He said “the way to secure peace is to prepare for war”. Big difference huh? He still said prepare for war. But that’s just my opinion. Form your own. That’s what the world needs more of. People with their own opinion. Not blind followers of years and centuries of propaganda and ass-wipe. So Moz, I don’t agree with James. But respect for having an opinion.


  1. Dear Muby
    I wish there were more people like you in this world. This world needs more peace, more love, less war. Keep up the good work. You're so much more than just a drop in the ocean.

  2. You still did'nt understand James. "To secure peace is to prepare for war." It is exactly the opposite of what you think it means. It does not mean you have to start a war to secure peace.

