Wednesday, May 20, 2009

To work or to live? That is the question...

Ever had one of those super hungry days? Where you’d be able to eat a horse, if only you didn’t throw up and die at the concept of eating a horse? Yeah, today’s my I’m-gonna-eat-for-the-world day. And what makes it worse is that I have two boxes of what I hope is gobble-it-down-because-its-so-good pasta sitting on my desk, just asking to fulfill it’s mission of strengthening and giving nutrition to Jams and me. But here I am. At work. Obliged to work. And no lunch break in sight for at least another hour. Or at all (shudder!), this being deadline day and all. Sneaky eh, that this blog entry then manifested out of thin air…
Anyway, it got me thinking, should life revolve around work, or work revolve around life? I’d love to hear from you.
Thing is, if my entire life revolved around work, then wouldn’t work be a part of my life anyway? And if it was a part of my life, it would obviously be the most important part as it would be the sun around which my world revolved. And if work became the most important part of my life, what does that say about my life? That I live to work? I live so that I can make money? I kill my dreams and desires because I’m afraid of not being normal and not working? To fit into the majority, I have to work and allow it to consume me, heart and soul?
You know what that would make me? Not alive. And the entire argument would be a moot point, because if I’m not alive, how could I live to work anyway?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I would prefer to live more and work less. My work should fit into the schedule of my life, not the other way. Thank you for your blog and your daily insights into life. It makes each morning a little brighter.
