Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lessons from the universe: Gossipy to gleeful

Okay, so one more post today (sneaky, sneaky… I’m defying my work karma, stealing office minutes to write this. But it’s for the greater good, these posts. The universe will forgive. We’re in cahoots anyway).
This one’s about ­ bad world alert! ­ Bitching. Now I’ve known a few good bitchers in my time. And they compete on an anonymous level. Constantly trying to outdo one another to win the Biggest B of the Century award. And they confuse and perplex me. I can’t understand them. I’m not perfect. I’m just as prone as anyone to my bouts of almost-bitching. But I inhale deeply enough and exhale the bitchiness out of my system. It leaves me in the form of a belly laugh.
It’s important for me to remember that the bitchiness does exist on some level (I still can’t levitate, therefore am not above human emotions). But it’s equally important for me to realise that said bitchiness is one tiny little part of my system, a part which I turn into a joke and soon the bitchiness is long forgotten and replaced by hysterical giggles. Giggles which even penetrate the odd meditation because it’s just so damn funny. And that’s what I wish everyone would do. Turn their negative into a positive. Accept its existence, embrace it even. Embrace it to a point where your fault turns into your ally and works to your universal advantage. The minute you learn to laugh at something, you’ve created a positive right there. Anything that makes you laugh has to be a good thing. And good things can’t be bad. They make you happy. Anything that makes you happy is your tool to inner peace. And laughter is just as good a tool as any. It is the best healer after all. Along with time, patience, love and acceptance.
I love the way he works, my Universe. Doesn’t he just kicks ass and tickle your funny bone at the same time?

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