Sunday, May 24, 2009

La Luna

Something about the full moon and no moon affects me. Every single time. Every single month. Today we won’t see our moon. It will be far far away from our eyes and I miss it’s warmth already. It does strange things to me the moon, or lack of it. Now, normally, I’m not a water person. One of my greatest fears includes dying in a body of water. And yet, that’s all I want today. To surround and immerse myself in water. I want to feel its cool waves pushing up against me, smell its aroma all around, go with its flow. I close my eyes and I see an ocean of blue. I blink and for a split second I’m the queen of the sea. I sit here on my mac and I can hear the water consuming me. A delight to every sense. The source of all my fears turned into a craving for pleasure. And that’s what happens to me when the moon leaves my side for a day. She forces me to explore my other side. Without her by me, I’m forced to face my fears. And she leaves me in the dark, knowing I have the strength to turn pain into pleasure, if just given a chance. So here it is. Here’s my chance. And even though my little villa doesn’t have a pool, I’ll sit there in the bathtub with bubbles to replace the waves and aromatherapy oil to transport me to my sea. And I’ll celebrate the moon for all her glory and wait for her to flow full and strong 2 weeks from now.
You see, when people see me, they see but the surface. Little do they know my alliance for Luna, Mr Universe, my angels and all the beauty that comes with it. Knowing the Muby that lives within is a privilege few ever have the patience to find out. Those who do, are in my soul forever.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It's a beautiful piece you have written Muby. Beautiful and sad. I think all the pain that you have suffered in recent years has added a sensitivity to your writing that probably wasn't there earlier.
    Never give up on your writing. You have a brilliant literary future!
